

Our company´s responsibility is based on the law and our core values in our daily work and decision making. We encourage our staff and aim to take responsibility also as individuals to follow our company´s processes which will allow us to reach our goals on a daily basis.

We comply with  laws and the good business practice

​We don´t only comply with the law with everything we do but also follow the highest responsible business practice.

We do business only with partners that comply with all the applicable laws and regulations.

We are committed to fair competition

​We are committed to fair competition and comply with the applicable competition legislation.

We don´t do illegal change of information, business or contracts with competitors.

We collect all information about our competitors transparently and lawfully from public sources.

We operate sustainably

​We offer services and products, which produce as low environmental harms as possible and we take into consideration the whole lifecycle of the product.

We aim to ensure that appropriate standards of sustainable development are applied troughout the whole supply chain.

Together with our stakeholders we take part in activities that have positive social, environmental and financial effects on people, companies and society.

We act responsibly in the work community

​We think that creating and maintaing a good working environment is our common task.

We have adopted a zero tolerance approach towards workplace bullying and discrimination.

Employees are not discriminated for one´s age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, political views or ethnic origin.

We guarantee equal treatment for everyone.

We do not tolerate corruption or bribery

We do not tolerate any form of corruption in our business.

​We do not give gifts, bribery or other compensations to customers, journalists, authorities or other decision-makers to forster our business.

Nor do we except gifts, bribery or other compensations that could affect on the impartiality of our desicion making.

We avoid conflicts of interest

​We focus on our Group´s interests when making decisions conserning our business.

Personal interests or relations do not affect our decision making.

Auto-Uuttera does not take part in political actions.

We demand our personnel to act transparently in situations that may lead to possible conflicts of interest.

We respect human rights

​We are committed to respecting human rights and expect the same from all our partners.

Harrasment, discrimination, child labor, forced labor or any kind of exploitation is unexceptable and against our company values.

We protect confidential information

We do not acquire or use confidential information for private purposes.

We protect all confidential information that we have obtained in our business conserning company´s operations, personnel, customers and partners and we do not give access to this information to third parties.

Our communication is responsible

​We are commited to proactive, transparent and objective content in our communications.

Auto-Uuttera's products and services are presented truthfully in all our marketing and communications material.

We do not give misleading information and we follow carefully the instructions of responsible marketing communications.

We communicate our stakeholders rapidly and transparently in crisis situations and take responsibility for our part.